OverviewAs you can see the semantic web has many layers to it each built on top of the last It is built on URI's at it's base with the languages XML and RDF just above. The semantic web is essentially a unifying logical language that lets anyone express new concepts with only a small amount of effort. It enables different concepts to be linked into a universal web. The Semantic Web will enable faster more accurate searches as well as making sure that most data connected to it is reliable and trustworthy via the use of digital signatures. Agents will also be able to check the reliability of sources of information and the whole web should be able to communicate with all other aspects of the web. "This structure will open up the knowledge and workings of humankind to meaningful analysis by software agents, providing a new class of tools by which we can live, work and learn together." Scientific America [SC01]. The main power of the Semantic Web languages is that any one can create one simply by publishing some RDF describing some URI's. The Seamntic Web works best when using the principle of least power. This means that the less rules used the better since this will allow for much more flexibility and lets anyone say anything about anything. In this way you avoid the risk that by constraining people on the web you may make it become useless to some people. |